Older Woman Stressed in front of laptop

Why Women Over 50 Should Make Stress Management Their Number One Health Goal

We all experience stress over the course of our lifetime. But women over 50, in particular, tend to suffer more stress than most age groups. Why? Think of it like a perfect storm, with several factors all converging at one time. Here are some of those factors and what you can do to manage your…

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Why do I have Panic Attacks? Causes of Panic Attacks and How to Deal with them

Sophia is a nurse in the ICU ward tending to critically ill patients infected with COVID19. The long hours, stress, lack of resources and help has been weighing heavily on her physically and emotionally, but it’s her job and moral obligation to tend to those in need, especially during a pandemic. Sophia isn’t a stranger…

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The Most Popular Personality Tests — And How Credible They Truly Are

The Most Popular Personality Tests — And How Credible They Truly Are Whether used by an organization to vet its potential employees or completed by us regular folk out of sheer curiosity, a personality test gives us a glimpse into our psyche and why we act the way we do. Sometimes, we can even use…